
in Enugu State

Catalyzing Prosperity: Where Aspirations Transform into Investments, Shaping the Destiny of Nations

10 Reasons to take your Investment to Enugu State

Enugu State is peaceful and stable.

Enugu State offers a peaceful and stable environment, making it an ideal location for investment, with abundant opportunities across diverse sectors, supported by a growing economy and favorable business climate

Enugu State has one of the fastest growing economies in Nigeria.

Enugu State is emerging as an economic powerhouse in Nigeria, boasting one of the country’s fastest growing economies.

Enugu State has huge potentials for increased return on investment.

Enugu State offers fertile ground for high returns, thanks to its booming economy.

The World Bank recently rated Enugu State as second most advanced State towards Ease-of-Doing-Business.

Enugu State's weather climate is topnotch for agricultural or farming business.

Enugu State has one of the most harmonized tax-systems in Nigeria; giving investors rest of mind.

Enugu State has young, educated, energetic and vibrant labour force that an investor can think of

Security: Enugu State Government recently invested in multi-billion naira apparatuses to equip security agents

Invest in technology opportunities in Enugu and reap immense benefits

Enugu State has huge investment opportunities in agricbusiness, manufacturing, healthcare, tourism, energy, mining, real estate, transportation.

Why Join Us


The State is well positioned to benefit tremendously from investments into the various sectors of the sub national economy. The business climate has been improved by recent policy reforms and investments in infrastructure indicating our readiness to welcome partner’s investment. The following is an overview of some of the supporting factors for the investment opportunities listed hereafter:

Financial services in the State are well-developed. This provides channels for free flow of funds to business concerns. The Central Bank of Nigeria has a strong presence in Enugu State.

Transportation is relatively developed with room for improvement.

Land reserves are extensive and largely unexploited. This provides opportunities to increase value added commercial farming and trade growth in Fruit, Vegetables and Livestock, with other parts of Nigeria and the rest of the World. Land availability also provides opportunities in the Real Estate sector for residential and commercial property development; and the potential or mineral reserves is expected to be significant but requires further feasibility.


Enugu state is predominantly rural and has substantially rich arable land give the tropical rainforests and savannah. Over 70% of the population are farmers growing food crops grown include palm, pineapple and cashew. Excellent climate conditions exist for poultry, piggery, goat, sheep and livestock production. In order to position the sector for growth, the state is treating agriculture as a business and is focussing on value chins where there are comparative advantages. Enugu State Government is strongly committed to developing in agriculture potentials and has aligned its agricultural potentials and has aligned its agricultural programmes and projects with the Agricultural Transformation Plan of the Federal Government Nigeria and development Partners. The State Government approved a new agricultural policy frame to encourage and attract foreign investments in agriculture signalling its commitment to harnessing its abundant natural endowment, transform its agricultural sector into an industrialised economy through an efficient, competitive, sustainable and export-led agriculture and foreign exchange earnings.